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Continuez avec votre forfait actuel ou passez au forfait supérieur pour obtenir plus d'avantages

En savoir plus sur les abonnements Veo.


/ mois (HT)

Facturé mensuellement Facturé tous les 6 mois Facturé annuellement Facturé tous les 2 ans

Ceci est votre abonnement actuel


Bénéficiez de Veo à des fins privées

/ mois (HT)

Facturé mensuellement Facturé tous les 6 mois Facturé annuellement Facturé tous les 2 ans

Ceci est votre abonnement actuel


Bénéficiez de Veo pour une équipe

/ mois (HT)

Facturé mensuellement Facturé tous les 6 mois Facturé annuellement Facturé tous les 2 ans

Ceci est votre abonnement actuel


Bénéficiez de Veo pour 2⁠ à 10 équipes dans un club

/ mois (HT)

Facturé mensuellement Facturé tous les 6 mois Facturé annuellement Facturé tous les 2 ans

Ceci est votre abonnement actuel


Bénéficiez de Veo pour les ligues, les tournois et les médias

/ mois (HT)

Facturé mensuellement Facturé tous les 6 mois Facturé annuellement Facturé tous les 2 ans

Ceci est votre abonnement actuel

École - Une équipe - Un sport

Bénéficiez de Veo à des fins scolaires pour une équipe et un sport

/ mois (HT)

Facturé mensuellement Facturé tous les 6 mois Facturé annuellement Facturé tous les 2 ans

Ceci est votre abonnement actuel

École - Équipes illimitées - Un sport

Bénéficiez de Veo à des fins scolaires pour un nombre illimité d'équipes et un sport

/ mois (HT)

Facturé mensuellement Facturé tous les 6 mois Facturé annuellement Facturé tous les 2 ans

Ceci est votre abonnement actuel

École - Équipes illimitées - Sport illimités

Bénéficiez de Veo à des fins scolaires pour un nombre illimité d'équipes et de sports

/ mois (HT)

Facturé mensuellement Facturé tous les 6 mois Facturé annuellement Facturé tous les 2 ans

Ceci est votre abonnement actuel


/ mois (HT)

Facturé mensuellement Facturé tous les 6 mois Facturé annuellement Facturé tous les 2 ans

Ceci est votre abonnement actuel

Choisissez votre forfait

Économisez jusqu'à 40 % sur le prix de votre abonnement Veo en choisissant un forfait de deux ans


Payez une fois par mois votre abonnement Veo

/ mois (HT)

Ceci est votre forfait actuel

6 mois

Payez une fois tous les six mois votre abonnement Veo

/ mois (HT)

Ceci est votre forfait actuel


Payez une fois par an votre abonnement Veo

/ mois (HT)

Ceci est votre forfait actuel

2 ans

Payez une fois tous les deux ans votre abonnement Veo

/ mois (HT)

Ceci est votre forfait actuel

/ mois (HT)

Ceci est votre forfait actuel

Résumé de la commande


Total Abonnement

Total (renouvellement tous les mois) (renouvellement tous les 6 mois) (renouvellement tous les ans) (renouvellement tous les 2 ans)
Montant à régler aujourd'hui : €0
Matériel Abonnement

Prochain paiement €0 en 1 mois après l'expédition de la caméra 6 mois après l'expédition de la caméra 12 mois après l'expédition de la caméra 2 ans après l'expédition de la caméra

La TVA n'est pas incluse dans le prix
Aucun numéro TVA enregistré :

Numéro de TVA


Ajouter un numéro de TVA

Supprimer le numéro de TVA

Votre numéro de TVA est enregistré Nous n'avons pas pu vérifier votre numéro de TVA. Assurez-vous de respecter le format correct, par exemple FR12345678901
Livraison estimée : 1 semaine
J'accepte les conditions générales Pour continuer, vous devez accepter nos conditions générales


Veo Analytics

Diffusion en direct

Veo Player Spotlight

Veo Cam



Montant à régler aujourd'hui : €0
Matériel Abonnement

Prochain paiement €0 en 1 mois après l'expédition de la caméra 6 mois après l'expédition de la caméra 12 mois après l'expédition de la caméra 2 ans après l'expédition de la caméra

Abonnements de Veo


1 équipe, 15 utilisateurs et 10 Heures d'enregistrement par mois. Vos jeux sont conservés pendant 6 mois. Accès limité à Veo Editor, qui comprend les fonctionnalités suivantes : Quatre points de vue différents, Créez des temps forts, Marquez les joueurs et commentez, Créer des profils de joueurs, Télécharger des temps forts, Chronologie des événements et Partage social.


1 équipe, 30 utilisateurs et 40 Heures d'enregistrement par mois. Stockage illimité de vos enregistrements sur 12 mois. Accès illimité à Veo Editor, qui comprend les fonctionnalités suivantes : Quatre points de vue différents, Créez des temps forts, Marquez les joueurs et commentez, Créer des profils de joueurs, Télécharger des temps forts, Chronologie des événements, Partage social, Détection d'événements, Journal, Dessinez sur l’écran et Télécharger le match.


5 équipes, 150 utilisateurs et 200 Heures d'enregistrement par mois. Stockage illimité de vos enregistrements sur 12 mois. Accès illimité à Veo Editor, qui comprend les fonctionnalités suivantes : Quatre points de vue différents, Créez des temps forts, Marquez les joueurs et commentez, Créer des profils de joueurs, Télécharger des temps forts, Chronologie des événements, Partage social, Détection d'événements, Journal, Dessinez sur l’écran et Télécharger le match.


20 équipes, 600 utilisateurs et 600 Heures d'enregistrement par mois. Stockage illimité de vos enregistrements sur 12 mois. Accès illimité à Veo Editor, qui comprend les fonctionnalités suivantes : Quatre points de vue différents, Créez des temps forts, Marquez les joueurs et commentez, Créer des profils de joueurs, Télécharger des temps forts, Chronologie des événements, Partage social, Détection d'événements, Journal, Dessinez sur l’écran et Télécharger le match.

Vous avez besoin d'un abonnement par Veo Cam. Prenons quelques exemples. Si vous envisagez d'acheter deux Veo Cams et de les utiliser pour trois équipes différentes, vous avez besoin de deux abonnements au Club. Toutefois, si vous envisagez d'acheter Veo pour les six équipes de votre club et que chacune d'entre elles possède sa propre caméra Veo et ne la partage jamais, vous avez besoin de six abonnements d'équipe.

Veo Player Spotlight, c'est quoi?

Veo Player Spotlight détecte et suit chaque joueur sur le terrain, et compile automatiquement leurs temps forts individuels en mini séquences.

Player Moments

Revisionner toutes les séquences impliquant un joueur en particulier avec Player Moments. Cet outil convient aussi bien aux joueurs désirant revoir et améliorer leurs performances grâce à l'analyse vidéo, qu'aux entraîneurs souhaitant faire du coaching individuel.

Soigner votre Profil Joueur

Ajouter vos plus belles actions à votre profil joueur. Partager vos performances avec vos entraîneurs, un directeur sportif, des recruteurs, et mettez en avant vos qualités.

Contôle Total

Paramétrez vous-même Player Moments. Ajustez la distance par rapport au ballon, la durée de l'action, et les secondes visibles avant/après chaque séquence.

Qu'est-ce que la diffusion en direct et l'accès instantané de Veo ?

Rien de tel que de regarder le football en direct. Vivez toute l'excitation de voir jouer votre équipe favorite - en temps réel !

Capturez chaque étape du parcours de vos équipes et joueurs préférés à la poursuite de leurs rêves et ne manquez jamais un moment. Diffusez vos football matchs en direct à vos amis, vos fans et votre famille qui ne peuvent pas être présents en personne.

Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?
Le live-streaming de Veo est facile à mettre en place. Pour diffuser en direct, vous devez connecter la caméra à l'internet, et vous pouvez le faire de différentes manières, selon vos préférences.


Vous pouvez vous connecter via 4G/LTE. Dans la Veo Cam 2, vous avez la possibilité d'insérer une carte sim avec un plan de données. C'est comme vous le savez grâce aux tablettes.


Avec Veo Cam 2, vous pouvez faire du streaming via une connexion Wi-Fi. Ainsi, si vous disposez d'une connexion Wi-Fi sur votre terrain de jeu, vous pouvez vous connecter et commencer le streaming. Vous pouvez également configurer un hotspot sur votre téléphone portable et utiliser les données de votre abonnement téléphonique.


Si vous avez accès à une connexion Internet filaire, vous pouvez brancher un câble directement sur votre Veo Cam 2 et diffuser en direct. Connectez la Veo Cam 2 à Internet via le port USB-C au moyen d'un câble Ethernet.

Le streaming en qualité vidéo 720p nécessite une connexion de 4Mbps. Pour diffuser en Full HD, vous avez besoin d'une connexion de 8Mbps.

Lorsque la connexion internet est établie, vous pouvez tout contrôler sur l'application Veo Camera.

Veo Live

Vos amis, vos fans et votre famille peuvent regarder vos matchs en direct dans la nouvelle application Veo Live. Les applications Veo sont disponibles sur iOS et Android.

Accès instantané
Vous pouvez désormais accéder au live-stream immédiatement après la rencontre sur l'application Veo Live. Cela signifie que vous pouvez commencer à revoir et à analyser les images dans le bus sur le chemin du retour ou dans le bureau de l'entraîneur juste après le match.


Quelles sont les fonctionnalités incluses dans Veo Analytics ?

Veo Analytics est un module complémentaire de Veo Editor qui vous offre un ensemble de fonctions étendues qui vous permettent de passer à la vitesse supérieure en matière d'analyse.

En janvier 2023, nous avons lancé plusieurs nouvelles fonctionnalités de Veo Analytics qui vous aident à faire passer vos analyses au niveau supérieur. Regardez l'émission de lancement ici : 

Analytics Fondamental

Détection d'événements de base par l’IA (buts, coups d'envoi, mi-temps)

Détection avancée d'événements par l'IA (corners, coups francs, dégagements, tirs au but et tirs cadrés)

Quatre points de vue différents

Dessinez sur l’écran

Marquez les joueurs et commentez

Créez des temps forts

Faits saillants dirigés

Chronologie des événements


Profil de joueur

Graphique Momentum

Cartes 2D

Cartes thermiques

Statistiques avancées du match

Carte des tirs

Chaînes de passes

Localisation des passes

Analytics Studio

Découvrez la Veo Cam 3

Les Veo Cams sont conçus pour vous offrir l'expérience la plus facile avec un excellent rendement. Les deux objectifs enregistrent à 180 degrés et capturent chaque instant du match, ce qui vous offre une expérience exceptionnelle lorsque vous revoyez et analysez vos matchs.

Toutes les Veo Cams sont conçues et fabriquées à Copenhague, au Danemark.

Nous avons lancé le nouveau Veo Cam 3 en février 2024. Regarde l'émission de lancement ci-dessous :

Quel trépied choisir ?

Nos trépieds sont une solution portable qui garantit une installation optimale sur tous les sites, offrant une stabilité et une vue d'ensemble professionnelle du terrain. L'achat d'un trépied avec votre Veo n'est pas obligatoire. Cependant, nous avons testé et recommandons vivement ces solutions.

Veo 5.2 m tripod

Notre plus petit trépied est fabriqué en fibre de carbone, ce qui le rend léger et facile à transporter. Nous recommandons ce trépied pour les petits emplacements. Une fois replié, le trépied mesure 131 cm de haut et pèse 6,1 kg. Le kit d'enroulement est inclus.

Veo 7.4 m tripod

Notre plus grand trépied est fabriqué en fibre de carbone, ce qui le rend léger et facile à transporter. Nous recommandons ce trépied pour les analyses, car il permet d'avoir une bonne vue d'ensemble de l'emplacement. Une fois replié, le trépied mesure 161 cm de haut et pèse 7,1 kg. Le kit d'enroulement est inclus.

Manfrotto/Veo 3,6 mètres (intérieur)

Bonne vue d'ensemble, installation facile et légère. Avec son faible poids, ce trépied est destiné à un usage intérieur uniquement.

Poids : 4 kg

Étendue : 366 cm x 90 cm x 75 cm

Transport : 107 cm x 5 cm x 10 cm

Monture de stade Manfrotto/Veo

Si une solution de montage est disponible. Le support pour stade vous permet de déployer la caméra dans les stades - à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur. Une pince MANFROTTO Super Clamp 035 et un plateau de libération sont inclus. 

Poids : 5 kg

Étendue : 40 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm

Transport : 20 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm

      Termes et conditions

      1. GENERAL

      1.1 These terms of use (“Terms of Use”) govern the contractual relationship between VEO Technologies ApS, company registration no. 37240834 ("VEO") and any user of www.veo.co, app.veo.co and/or other websites owned or controlled by VEO ("VEO Website") that allow for (i) distribution and reception of audio-visual content recorded on a VEO Camera ("Content") by way of live (i.e. simultaneous or nearly simultaneous) streaming and/or subsequent on-demand download or streaming through the means of a media player embedded in or interfacing with the VEO Website and/or (ii) associated services aiming at creating a community between viewers of Content (each a “Fan”) and owners of a VEO Camera uploading and publishing Content (each a “Publisher”) (collectively the "Services").

      For the purpose of these Terms of Use, each Fan and Publisher is considered a “User” (collectively the “Users”). By accessing the VEO Website, registering for an Account on the VEO Website or using the Services, the User agrees to be bound by these Terms of Use which shall continue to apply for as long as the User is accessing the VEO Website, subscribing for an Account or using the Services. When the User is no longer accessing the VEO Website, subscribing for an Account or using the Services, the User’s legal obligations and liabilities towards VEO that have accrued over time shall be unaffected by this cessation.

      1.2 The User hereby represents and warrants to VEO that he or she is at least thirteen (13) years of age or otherwise at least the required age in the User’s jurisdiction for entering into and performing legal agreements on his or her own behalf or on behalf of the person or entity that he or she is legally representing. The foregoing notwithstanding, no users under the age of thirteen (13) are permitted under any circumstances.

      1.3 The User may not access the VEO Website or use the Services if the User does not accept these Terms of Use or if the User is not of legal age to form a binding contract with VEO or a person who is either barred or otherwise legally prohibited from receiving or using the VEO Website or the Services under applicable laws. On certain areas of the VEO Website, you may be given the ability to provide us with personally identifiable information. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information about our information collection and use practices.

      1.4 When accessing the VEO Website, subscribing for an Account or using the Services, the User will be subject to additional policies made available on the VEO Website, including VEO's Privacy Policy, Data Processing Agreement and License Agreement (depending on what may apply to you specifically). If applicable, all such policies are hereby incorporated by reference into these Terms of Use. In the case of any inconsistency between these Terms of Use and any such policy, these Terms of Use shall prevail.


      2.1 We only accept online payment and payment by bank deposit. If you pay by bank deposit, fulfilment of your order will start when we have received the payment in full. Also, we do not accept payment upon delivery under any circumstance. Fees may apply from your bank and/or card issuer. Also, the list of available payment methods may change without prior notice. When paying by an online payment method, the full amount is not charged until the time of dispatch. YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO USE ANY CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD OR OTHER PAYMENT METHOD UTILIZED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY TRANSACTION. By submitting such information, you grant to VEO and/or any required third parties the right to provide and transmit such information for purposes of facilitating the completion of transactions initiated by you or on your behalf. Verification of information may be required prior to the acknowledgment or completion of any transaction.

      2.2 Prices are listed in either US Dollars, Euro or your local currency. Prices are stated without VAT. VAT, sales taxes, customs and import duties vary widely from country to country, and we are therefore not able to inform you of specific charges for your country. All amounts specified to be paid to VEO are net amounts after deduction of any direct or indirect taxes (including but not limited to income tax, business tax, value added tax and turnover tax) and duties that are required to be withheld or paid in your country. The User shall pay any such direct or indirect taxes and duties to the relevant tax authorities.

      2.3 The User takes full liability for all postal charges, return shipping costs, customs charges and handling fees. Should the User refuse to accept a parcel due to import duties taxes or other reasons, then Veo reserves the right to deduct our return expenses from the refund. If the return expenses are higher than the order value, no refund will be given. If Veo were to receive any later charges on the delivery, then Veo reserves the right to charge your card.

      Should User decide to use a forwarding company, User thereby accepts that Veo's and its partners’ responsibility for the parcel and delivery ends when the parcel has been delivered to address of the forwarding company. Veo and its partners do not accept any liability regarding issues on delivery to forwarding companies, that is caused by actions by any third party - such as these, but not limited to: information provided by User, regulations and laws or local circumstances. Should Veo or its partners receive any charges regarding the above mentioned, we reserve the right to charge User.

      2.4 Delivery times are described at shop.veo.co. Local circumstances may influence on delivery times, fx. customs handling, local holidays etc.


      2.6 All descriptions, images, features, specifications, products, and prices of products or services are subject to change at any time without notice. The inclusion of any products or services on the VEO Website does not imply or warrant that these products or services will be available. VEO reserves the right, with or without prior notice, to do any one or more of the following for any reason: (i) limit the available quantity of or discontinue any product or service; (ii) impose conditions on the honoring of any coupon, coupon code, promotional code, or other similar promotion; (iii) bar you from making or completing any or all transactions; and (iv) refuse to provide you with any product or service. You agree to pay all charges incurred by you, on your behalf, or by your account through the VEO Website, at the price in effect when such charges are incurred. You are solely responsible for any taxes applicable to your transaction.



      3.1 To help prevent payment fraud, we may contact you and request additional information - in case we or our payment provider would have any concerns regarding your order. The additional information may be, but not limited to, proof of billing and/or delivery address. We will not cancel or not accept an order without contacting you, unless we are certain the order was not genuinely placed by the card/account holder.

      3.2 Credit card and account fraud is illegal, and we will in all cases work and cooperate with all relevant domestic and international law enforcement agencies to prevent and prosecute all fraudulent visitors.

      If you have any questions about our fraud prevention methods, please contact hello@veo.co and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


      4.1 In order for Publishers to access, edit and publish Content from their VEO Camera and for Users to use most of the Services, it is a requirement to subscribe for an account either as a Club or a Fan on the VEO Website (the “Account”). A Publisher must choose the subscription period when subscribing for the Account ("Subscription Period").

      4.2 A User will be able to access its Accounts by logging in by entering a User ID and a password.

      4.3 The Account is personal to the User, and the User is solely responsible for any and all activity that occurs under the Account. The User must notify VEO immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of the Account that the User become aware of.

      4.4 When creating the Account, the User is required to provide accurate and complete information.

      4.5 The Account password must be kept secure and confidential at all times. The User is obliged to notify VEO forthwith at hello@veo.co if the User becomes aware that the password has been disclosed to an unauthorized third party or that the Account is being misappropriated. VEO will not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, in any way for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of, or in connection with, the User’s failure to comply with this provision.

      4.6 VEO reserves the right to suspend or disable the Account or password at its discretion and without any penalty or liability whatsoever and to remove and discard all or any part of the Account, User profile, and any Content, at any time and without prior notice. You agree that you do not have any rights in the VEO Website or your Account, and that VEO will have no liability to you if the VEO Website is discontinued or your ability to access the VEO Website or any content you may have posted on the VEO Website is terminated.


      5.1 All data and material on the VEO Website, except Content, including, without limitation, text, graphics, interactive features, logos, photos, music, videos, software, and all other audible, visual or downloadable material, as well as the selection, organization, coordination, compilation and overall look and feel of the Services ("Material") are the intellectual property of VEO, its affiliates or its licensors. All trademarks and trade names, except in Content, are proprietary to VEO, its affiliates or licensors.

      5.2 All Content uploaded by a Publisher to the VEO Website is the intellectual property of the Publisher, however subject to clause 7.1.2.

      5.3 You agree not to download, display or use any Material located on the VEO Website for use in any publications, in public performances, on websites other than the VEO Website or for any other commercial purpose, in connection with products or services that are not those of VEO, in any other manner that is likely to cause confusion among consumers, that disparages or discredits VEO and/or its licensors, that dilutes the strength of VEO’s or its licensor's property, or that otherwise infringes VEO’s or its licensors’ intellectual property rights. You further agree to in no other way misuse any Material or Content that appears on the VEO Website.

      5.4 If you are a trademark or copyright owner and you believe that your trademark or copyright rights have been violated, please contact us at hello@veo.co.


      6.1 The User hereby represents, warrants and covenants that it does not, and will not, use the Services or the VEO Website:

      (a) to impersonate another person or entity, or claim a false identity when subscribing for an Account on the VEO Website or use an Account of a third party;

      (b) for any purpose other than to access the Website and Services as offered by VEO;

      (c) to bypass, disable or otherwise interfere with security related features of the VEO Website or the Services or features that prevent, limit, or restrict the access to the VEO Website and/or the use or re-production of any Material or Content;

      (d) to delete or modify notices regarding copyright or other proprietary rights on the Material or any Content;

      (f) for any illegal purpose in any jurisdiction;

      (g) collect, disseminate, or otherwise use personal information about Users or any other third parties without their and VEO's consent, or in violation of any applicable law;;

      (h) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code in any of the Material; or

      (i) interfere with or damage the operation of the Services or any User's enjoyment of them by any means, including uploading or otherwise disseminating viruses, spyware, worms or other malicious code.

      6.2 The User warrants that it will not publish sensitive personal data on the VEO Website, including on its own Account or the Publisher's Account. Sensitive personal data is defined in art. 9 of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (the "GDPR"), or any similar United States law, and includes health information related to a physical person.

      6.3 The User agrees not to sell, license, distribute, copy, record, modify, publicly perform or display, transmit, publish or republish, including republication on another website, edit, adapt, create derivative works from, or otherwise make use of the Material and/or the Content that is not considered the User's property. If the User, to the extent permitted by applicable statutory laws, records, downloads or otherwise copies the Material and/or Content for personal and non-commercial use, the User must retain all copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices. VEO reserves all rights not expressly granted in and to the VEO Website, the Services, the Material, and the Content.

      6.4 VEO reserves the right to suspend, discontinue or modify any aspect of the Services at any time, including the right to discontinue fully or partially the display of any Content or linked or embedded content, and to prevent access to the VEO Website or any Content from specific territories (geo-blocking).

      6.5 The User is solely responsible for setting up the VEO camera and tripod and taking the necessary precautions to ensure that the VEO camera and tripod is safely set up. VEO assumes no liability for any physical damage to persons or property caused by the VEO camera or tripod set up by the User.


      7.1 Submission of Content

      7.1.1 The Publisher acknowledges and agrees that the VEO Website is designed for a purpose serving a particular community and interest, and that any Content submitted conforms to such purpose.

      7.1.2 By uploading Content to the VEO Website, the Publisher hereby grants VEO a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid-up, sub-licensable through multiple tiers and freely transferable right to copy, use, reproduce, distribute, publish, translate, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sell, transfer, license, edit, modify, transmit, stream, broadcast, making publicly available and otherwise exploit the Content on the Website as well as on and through third-party distributions channels selected by VEO, including without limitation for promoting, advertising, redistributing and making available on demand the Content and/or the VEO Website in any media formats, media channels or medium now or hereafter devised, in whole or in part, for any purposes. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing license includes, but is not limited to, the right to reproduce, distribute, display, perform, advertise, make derivative works from or otherwise exploit the Content in proximity with or in connection with any third-party content and the name, pseudonym, likeness, voice, handwriting and other characteristics of any individual, in each case where such items are in included in Content uploaded by the Publisher.

      7.1.3 The Publisher is solely responsible for all of its Content and the consequences of publishing it, and the Publisher hereby acknowledges that the VEO Website and the Services are merely providing the Publisher the technical means to produce and distribute its Content. This specifically includes that Publisher is responsible for and must obtain necessary legal basis when filming individuals using the VEO Camera and uploading Content to the VEO Website according to relevant laws. Therefore, always be careful what you publish and make sure people featuring the Content have accepted such.

      7.1.4 Under no circumstances will VEO assume any responsibility in the creation, arrangement, scheduling and promotion of Content, nor does VEO monitor the submission of Content to VEO or the publication of Content on the VEO Website. VEO does not endorse any Content or any opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed therein, and VEO expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with Content.

      7.1.5 VEO has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor the Content published on the VEO Website, to determine compliance with these Terms of Use, any other agreement between the User and VEO, and any operating rules established by VEO, as well as to satisfy any law, regulation, authorized government request, or trade association guideline. VEO has the right to edit, refuse to post or remove any material submitted to or posted on the VEO Website.

      7.1.6 The Publisher hereby represents and warrants and covenants that:

      (i) it is the owner of or has the necessary licenses, rights, permissions, consents and waivers to use and to authorize VEO to use and distribute its Content as necessary for VEO to exercise and exploit the rights and licenses granted by the Publisher to VEO pursuant to these Terms of Use;

      (ii) its Content does not and will not:

      (a) infringe or otherwise violate any third-party right, including any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, privacy right, right of publicity or personality, broadcasting right or any other intellectual property or proprietary right; or

      (b) slander, defame, libel, invade or otherwise violate the right of privacy, publicity, personality or other rights of any person or entity.

      (iii) its Content will be made available for display at the date and time scheduled by the Publisher;

      (iv) its Content or sequential order of Content does not constitute a television or radio programme service in the form of a sequence of self-contained programmes continuously offered and defined in time or is otherwise subject to statutory television broadcasting requirement;

      (v) its Content does not contain any viruses, spyware, worms, or other malicious code or any content or file that provides a method to access to potentially infringing content outside of the Services;

      (vi) its Content does not violate any laws or regulations or contain any falsehoods or misrepresentations that could cause harm to VEO or any third party; and

      (vii) it will not create, post or upload any Content that is obscene, defamatory, libellous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or encourages conduct that is deemed a criminal offence

      7.1.7 Publisher is aware that some features on the Platform are created to provide other Users with the ability to save and store Content on their own. This means that some Content may be stored and managed by other Users. Consequently, You should always be diligent when sharing Content and assigns rights to other Users as these actions may not be reversed.

      7.1.8 VEO reserves the right to advertise its Website and Services or products and services of third parties on the Publisher's channel or together with Content.

      7.2 Invitations

      7.2.1 Publisher has the option to invite Fans to the VEO Website (Fans will then have to create their own Account). If Publisher does so, Publisher is solely responsible for and may only invite individuals that are thirteen (13) years of age or older.

      7.3 Data Processing

      7.3.1 The Publisher is the data controller and VEO is the data processor in respect of Content uploaded to and published by the Publisher on the VEO Website as well as to any other personal data processed on the Publisher's Account on the VEO Website. The Publisher and VEO have therefore entered into a data processing agreement governing VEO's data processing activities on behalf of the Publisher in compliance with GDPR. The Publisher is specifically made aware that the VEO Website, including the Publisher's Account, must not be used for processing of sensitive personal data as defined in GDPR article 9, which includes but is not limited to health information related to a physical person. It is the Publisher's responsibility to ensure that no sensitive personal data is processed on the Publisher's Account on the VEO Website.

      7.3.2 VEO is specifically instructed not only to transmit the Publisher's Content on the Publisher's Account on the VEO Website but also to transmit the Content or parts hereof on the general VEO Website with the purpose to attract Fans to the Publisher's Account on the VEO Website.

      7.3.3 Notwithstanding the above, VEO hereby notify you and you hereby accept, that Content may be used by VEO for its own purposes, e.g. marketing, development and optimization of VEO’s systems and algorithms. To the extent reasonably possible VEO will anonymise the Content when used for VEO’s own purposes.

      7.4 Streaming

      7.4.1 You will have the option of streaming your Content. When doing so, You hereby authorize us to broadcast and/or record your Content. Furthermore you acknowledge that you hold the broadcast rights to said event and indemnify us from any claims of infringement.
      Publishers may only publish Content that they have created and produced and/or for which they own all the exploitation rights for distributing on the Site. It is also prohibited to publish Content protected by copyright, such as music tracks, extracts of protected Content or any other Content not created by the User for which they do not have the necessary authorizations.

      7.5 Closing of Account

      7.5.1. Publisher may unsubscribe from its Account by providing one (1) months' written notice to VEO prior to the end of a Subscription Period. Prepaid Subscription Periods will thus not be repaid. If Publisher wants to unsubscribe from its Account, the Publisher must contact VEO at support.veo.co


      8.1 Fans have limited access to the VEO Website and to Content that subject to the sole discretion of VEO is available on-demand and through the reception of live streaming.

      8.2 Any use or access by anyone under the age of 13 is prohibited.

      8.2.1 If a Fan wants to unsubscribe for its Account, the Fan must do so via the VEO Website. Fan Accounts that are not accessed or used for a period of twelve (12) months may be restricted or deleted at the discretion of VEO. This may include any Content published by the Fan.

      8.4 Publisher acknowledges and agrees that the Website is designed for a purpose serving a particular community and interest, and that any Content submitted conforms to such purpose.


      9.1 If you as a consumer subscribe for an Account, you have the right to cancel and return your order within thirty (30) days, for any reason and without a justification. The thirty (30) days begin upon your Subscription.

      9.2 You must inform VEO that you want to cancel your subscription for your Account. Please inform VEO on support.veo.co. VEO will provide you with a refund within thirty (30) days of receiving your cancellation request. However, this might be delayed if VEO has not received the VEO Camera or evidence that you've made the return.


      10.1 For the subscribing for an Account and use of the Services, the Publisher must pay a non-refundable monthly or yearly subscription fee as specified in pricing table available at VEO Website / pricing.

      10.2 The Publisher must provide a valid and accepted payment information. If the payment information provided by the Publisher is declined for payment of the Publisher's subscription fees, the Publisher must provide VEO a new eligible payment information promptly or the Publisher's access to the Publisher’s Account and the Services content may be suspended.

      If the Publisher does not provide new payment information, VEO retains the right to delete the Publisher’s account and the Content associated hereto.

      10.3 Payment of the subscription fee to VEO will automatically renew at the end of each subscription period, unless cancelled before the end of the current subscription period in accordance with these Terms of Use. The cancellation will take effect the day after the last day of the current subscription period.

      10.4 All amounts specified to be paid to VEO are net amounts after deduction of any direct or indirect taxes (including but not limited to income tax, business tax, value added tax and turnover tax) and duties that are required to be withheld or paid in any country outside Denmark.

      11. NO WARRANTY

      11.1 To the extent permitted by applicable law, the VEO Website, the Services and the Content are provided to the User on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind. VEO makes no representations about the reliability of the features of this Website, the Content, the Material, or any other Website feature, and disclaims all liability in the event of any service failure. You acknowledge that any reliance on such material or systems will be at your own risk. VEO makes no representations regarding the amount of time that any Content or Material will be preserved.

      VEO does not endorse, verify, evaluate or guarantee any information provided by Users and nothing shall be considered as an endorsement, verification or guarantee of any Content. You shall not create or distribute information, including but not limited to advertisements, press releases or other marketing materials, or include links to any sites which contain or suggest an endorsement by VEO without the prior review and written approval of VEO.

      11.2 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, VEO disclaims to the extent permitted by law any and all warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, any (a) warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, (b) warranties against infringement of any third party intellectual property or proprietary rights, (c) warranties relating to delays, interruptions, errors or omissions in the Services, particularly in any unannounced termination of the provision of Content (d) warranties relating to the transmission or delivery of the Services, (e) warranties relating to the accuracy or completeness of information or data in the Services, or (f) other warranties relating to performance, non-performance, or other acts or omissions of VEO.


      12.1 In no event shall VEO be liable for any loss of anticipated revenues or profits, delays or otherwise for any consequential, indirect or punitive losses or damages, whether or not foreseeable and irrespective of the theory or cause of action upon which such damages might be based, including but not limited to strict liability, breach of warranty or otherwise. Loss of data in considered an indirect loss. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO A NEGLIGENT ACT, WILL VEO OR ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OF ANY KIND THAT RESULTS FROM THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE, THE WEBSITE OR CONTENT, EVEN IF VEO HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.

      12.2 VEO’s liability under or in conjunction with these Terms of Use under any title shall be limited to the amount paid by the User, if any, to VEO during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the event of damage.

      12.3 Where required by applicable law, the above limitations and exclusions shall not apply (a) in case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, (b) in the event of death or bodily injury, or (c) if and to the extent mandatory law provides otherwise.


      13.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Terms of Use, the User shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless VEO from and against any losses, claims, damages, liabilities, including legal fees and expenses, arising out of any third party claim due to or arising out of the User’s violation of these Terms of Use, including but not limited to a claim arising out of a breach of the User’s representations or warranties made hereunder.

      13.2 VEO reserves the right, at the User’s expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter for which the User is required to indemnify VEO, and the User herewith agrees to cooperate with VEO's defence of these claims.


      14.1 The VEO Website may contain links to websites or services operated, owned or controlled by other people or companies, (collectively "Third-party Services"). Third-party Services may have their own terms of use and privacy policy or no terms of use or privacy policy at all. VEO does not endorse any such Third-party Services or the information, material, products, or services contained on or accessible through Third-party Services.

      14.2 Access and use of Third-party Services, including the information, material, products, and services on or available through Third-party Services is solely at the User’s own risk.


      15.1 VEO reserves the right, at VEO’s sole discretion, to make changes to the Terms of Use and any policy from time to time by posting the amended terms of use or policy on the VEO Website. If the User does not agree to such modifications, the User must stop using the VEO Website and the Services. The User’s continued use of the VEO Website and the Service will constitute the User’s acceptance of such modifications. We will update you via e-mail and newsletters.

      16. CONTACTS

      16.1 The VEO Website and the Services are provided by VEO. VEO can be contacted by email at hello@veo.co or via support.veo.co.


      17.1 As a part of the Services, VEO may – and you agree that VEO may - send you updates to the functionality and information about new features for the Platform.

      17.2 These Terms of Use contain the entire agreement between VEO and Users concerning the User’s use of the VEO Website and the Services and completely replace any prior agreements on the subject-matter. These Terms constitute a binding agreement between you and VEO and is accepted by you upon your use of the VEO Website or your Account.

      17.3 The User may not novate or assign any of its rights or obligations under these Terms of Use without the prior written consent of VEO. VEO may at its discretion assign or novate these Terms of Use or any rights or obligations hereunder to any third party.

      17.4 If one or more of the provisions of these Terms of Use are declared invalid or unenforceable as a result of current mandatory legislation or legal instruments issued by public authorities or decisions made by public authorities, the VEO and the User agree that the other provisions of the Terms of Use will be severed and remain effective. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid one, which achieves to the extent possible the original purpose and commercial goal and intent of the invalid provision.

      17.5 The failure of VEO to comply with these Terms because of an act of God, war, fire, riot, terrorism, earthquake, lockdown, epidemic, pandemic, actions of federal, state or local governmental authorities or for any other reason beyond the reasonable control of VEO, shall not be deemed a breach of these Terms.

      17.6 If VEO fails to act with respect to your breach or anyone else's breach on any occasion, VEO is not waiving its right to act with respect to future or similar breaches.

      17.7 Users must also be aware that they could be subject to the Danish Act on TV-Surveillance or other similar national legislation when using the VEO Camera. As such, User’s must act diligently and only use the VEO Camera for its intended use. VEO shall have no liability if Users violate said act or other similar legislation.


      18.1 These Terms of Use and the relationship between VEO and each User shall be governed by and will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Denmark without regard to conflicts of laws principles.


      18.3 Attempts shall be made first to settle by negotiation any dispute arising out of or related to these Terms of Service. Disputes shall be finally decided by the courts located in Copenhagen. By using this site, you hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of, and venue in, such courts. Notwithstanding this, VEO shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or other equivalent types of urgent legal remedy) in any jurisdiction.

      Product Terms- and Conditions

      1. GENERAL

      1.1 These general terms- and conditions of sale and delivery (“Terms”) apply to all purchases of physical products (“Products”) provided by VEO Technologies ApS, CVR no. 37 24 08 34 (”VEO”), to merchants or consumers (“Customer”).
      1.2 The Terms do not affect statutory and preceptive consumers rights, which cannot be deviated from according to law.

      2. DELIVERY
      2.1 Unless otherwise agreed, the Products will be delivered at the Customer’s expense.
      2.2 The Products will be delivered as soon as possible after the Customer has finalized an online order.
      2.3 Delivery will take place once the Products have been handed over to a third-party carrier, after which the risk of the Products passes to the Customer.

      3.1 VEO does not provide any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. The Products are sold fit for the ordinary use and in accordance with the specifications.
      3.2 The Customer recognizes that the Products must be handled with due care taking into consideration that the Products consist of technical components, which by nature are fragile.
      3.3 The Customer is solely responsible for setting up the Products and for taking the necessary precautions to ensure that the Products are safely installed and VEO assumes no liability for physical damage to persons or property (also including the Products itself) due to the Customer’s use of the Products.

      4. PAYMENT
      4.1 Unless otherwise agreed, VEO shall be entitled to charge the Customer once the online order has been completed.

      5. DELAYS
      5.1 In the event of delay, VEO will take necessary measures to deliver the Products in a timely manner. If VEO has provided the Customer with a specific delivery date and the Products are delayed with more than ninety (90) days from the specific delivery date, then the Customer shall be entitled to cancel the order and – in case payment has taken place – be entitled to repayment of all fees relating to the Products. Such claim for repayment shall be the Customer’s sole remedy for delays.

      6. DEFECTS
      6.1 A defect shall be deemed to occur if the Products do not fulfill the requirements set out in clause 3.1.
      6.2 In order to claim remediation of a defect the Customer must investigate the Products upon receipt and notify VEO of any such defects immediately after identification of the defect. This principle also applies for future defects.
      6.3 If the Products are subject to a defect the Customer must return the Products to VEO for VEO’s further investigations. VEO may – in its sole discretion – choose to either fix the defect or replace the Product with a new Product. This remediation shall be the Customer’s sole remediation for defects. Any claim for defects must be received at latest within one (1) year after delivery of the Products.

      7. RETURNS
      7.1 All returns must be made in original, unbroken and undamaged packing. Returns can be made up until thirty (30) days after delivery of the Product.
      7.2 Shipping costs in connection with the return of the delivery to VEO will be refunded to the Customer if the return is a result of defects in the Products.

      8.1 VEO shall only be liable for product liability in accordance with the normal requirements under the product liability act.
      8.2 If a third-party claims products liability involving the Products against only the Customer, the Customer shall immediately notify VEO of the claim.

      9.1 Unless otherwise set out in these Terms, VEO shall be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the Products and the use thereof according to Danish law.
      9.2 VEO’s liability for damages and other claims shall always be limited to an amount equal to 100% of the purchase price relating to the relevant Product.
      9.3 Further, VEO shall not be liable to the Customer or any other person, for indirect, or consequential damages or loss, including but not limited to lost goodwill, loss of sales or profits, work stoppage and production failure, fines or similar sanctions or losses incurred by the Customer.

      10.1 These Terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Denmark without regard to international private law regulations or principles of Danish law leading to the application of other laws than substantive Danish law. Any dispute arising from or related to these Terms shall exclusively be settled by the courts in Denmark with the District Court of Copenhagen as the venue.